Source code for particle_tracker_one_d.particle_tracker.particle_tracker

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from particle_tracker_one_d.trajectory.trajectory import Trajectory
from ..frames.frames import Frames
from scipy.signal import find_peaks

[docs]class ParticleTracker: """ Dynamic Particle tracker object which finds trajectories in the frames. Trajectories are automatically updated when properties are changed. Parameters ---------- frames: np.array The frames in which trajectories are to be found. The shape of the np.array should be (nFrames,xPixels). The intensity of the frames should be normalised according to :math:`I_n = (I-I_{min})/(I_{max}-I_{min})`, where :math:`I` is the intensity of the frames, :math:`I_{min}`, :math:`I_{max}` are the global intensity minima and maxima of the frames. time: np.array The corresponding time of each frame. Attributes ---------- frames time boxcar_width integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks particle_detection_threshold maximum_number_of_frames_a_particle_can_disappear_and_still_be_linked_to_other_particles maximum_distance_a_particle_can_travel_between_frames particle_positions """ def __init__(self, frames, time, automatic_update=True): ParticleTracker._validate_class_arguments(frames, time, automatic_update) self._Frames = Frames(frames=frames, time=time, automatic_update=automatic_update) self._automatic_update = automatic_update self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks = 1 self._particle_detection_threshold = 1 self._maximum_number_of_frames_a_particle_can_disappear_and_still_be_linked_to_other_particles = 1 self._maximum_distance_a_particle_can_travel_between_frames = 1 self._particle_positions = [np.array([])] * self.frames.shape[0] self._trajectories = [] self._cost_matrix = [] self._association_matrix = [] self._trajectory_links = [] self._cost_coefficients = np.array([1, 1, 1, 0], dtype=np.float32) @property def frames(self): """ np.array: The frames which the particle tracker tries to find trajectories in. If the property boxcar_width!=0 it will return the smoothed frames. """ return self._Frames.frames @property def boxcar_width(self): """ int: Number of values used in the boxcar averaging of the frames. """ return self._Frames.boxcar_width @boxcar_width.setter def boxcar_width(self, width): if not width == self._Frames.boxcar_width: self._Frames.boxcar_width = width if self._automatic_update: self._find_particle_positions() self._update_association_matrix() self._update_trajectories() @property def integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks(self): """ int: Number of pixels used when integrating the intensity peaks. No particles closer than twice this value will be found. If two peaks are found within twice this value, the one with highest intensity moment will be kept. """ return self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks @integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks.setter def integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks(self, radius): if type(radius) is not int: raise TypeError('Attribute integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks should be of type int') if not -1 < radius <= self.frames.shape[1] / 2: raise ValueError( 'Attribute integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks should be a positive integer less or equal the half of the number of pixels in each frame.') if not radius == self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks: self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks = radius if self._automatic_update: self._find_particle_positions() self._update_association_matrix() self._update_trajectories() @property def particle_detection_threshold(self): """ float: Defines the threshold value for finding intensity peaks. Local maximas below this threshold will not be considered as particles. Should be a value between 0 and 1. """ return self._particle_detection_threshold @particle_detection_threshold.setter def particle_detection_threshold(self, threshold): if not (type(threshold) == int or type(threshold) == float): raise TypeError('Attribute particle_detection_threshold should be a numerical value between 0 and 1.') if not 0 <= threshold <= 1: raise ValueError('Attribute particle_detection_threshold should be a value between 0 and 1.') if not threshold == self._particle_detection_threshold: self._particle_detection_threshold = threshold if self._automatic_update: self._find_particle_positions() self._update_association_matrix() self._update_trajectories() @property def maximum_number_of_frames_a_particle_can_disappear_and_still_be_linked_to_other_particles(self): """ int: Number of frames a particle can be invisible and still be linked in a trajectory. """ return self._maximum_number_of_frames_a_particle_can_disappear_and_still_be_linked_to_other_particles @maximum_number_of_frames_a_particle_can_disappear_and_still_be_linked_to_other_particles.setter def maximum_number_of_frames_a_particle_can_disappear_and_still_be_linked_to_other_particles(self, number_of_frames): if type(number_of_frames) is not int: raise TypeError( 'Attribute maximum_number_of_frames_a_particle_can_disappear_and_still_be_linked_to_other_particles should be an integer.') if not 0 <= number_of_frames < self.frames.shape[0]: raise ValueError( 'Attribute maximum_number_of_frames_a_particle_can_disappear_and_still_be_linked_to_other_particles should be larger or equal to 0 and smaller than the number of frames.') if not number_of_frames == self._maximum_number_of_frames_a_particle_can_disappear_and_still_be_linked_to_other_particles: self._maximum_number_of_frames_a_particle_can_disappear_and_still_be_linked_to_other_particles = number_of_frames if self._automatic_update: self._update_association_matrix() self._update_trajectories() @property def maximum_distance_a_particle_can_travel_between_frames(self): """ int: Max number of pixels a particle can travel between two consecutive frames. """ return self._maximum_distance_a_particle_can_travel_between_frames @maximum_distance_a_particle_can_travel_between_frames.setter def maximum_distance_a_particle_can_travel_between_frames(self, distance): if not (type(distance) == int or type(distance) == float): raise TypeError( 'Attribute maximum_distance_a_particle_can_travel_between_frames should be a numerical value.') if not 0 < distance < self.frames.shape[1]: raise ValueError( 'Attribute maximum_distance_a_particle_can_travel_between_frames should be larger than 0 and smaller than the number of pixels in each frames.') if not distance == self._maximum_distance_a_particle_can_travel_between_frames: self._maximum_distance_a_particle_can_travel_between_frames = distance if self._automatic_update: self._update_association_matrix() self._update_trajectories() @property def trajectories(self): """ list: Returns a list with all found trajectories of type class: Trajectory. """ return self._trajectories @property def particle_positions(self): """ list: List with numpy arrays containing all particle positions. """ return self._particle_positions @property def time(self): """ np.array: The time for each frame. """ return self._Frames.time
[docs] def get_frame_at_time(self, time): """ time: float Time of the frame which you want to get. Returns ------- np.array Returns the frame which corresponds to the input time. """ index = self._find_index_of_nearest(self.time, time) return self.frames[index]
[docs] def plot_all_frames(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ ax: matplotlib axes instance The axes which you want the frames to plotted on. If none is provided a new instance will be created. **kwargs: Plot settings, any settings which can be used in matplotlib.pyplot.imshow method. Returns ------- matplotlib axes instance Returns the axes input argument or creates and returns a new instance of an matplotlib axes object. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.axes() ax.imshow(self.frames, **kwargs) return ax
[docs] def plot_frame_at_time(self, time, ax=None, **kwargs): """ time: float The time of the frame you want to plot. ax: matplotlib axes instance The axes which you want the frames to plotted on. If none is provided a new instance will be created. **kwargs: Plot settings, any settings which can be used in matplotlib.pyplot.plot method. Returns ------- matplotlib axes instance Returns the axes input argument or creates and returns a new instance of an matplotlib axes object. """ intensity = self.get_frame_at_time(time) if ax is None: ax = plt.axes() ax.plot(intensity, **kwargs) return ax
[docs] def plot_frame(self, frame_index, ax=None, **kwargs): """ frame_index: index The index of the frame you want to plot. ax: matplotlib axes instance The axes which you want the frames to plotted on. If none is provided a new instance will be created. **kwargs: Plot settings, any settings which can be used in matplotlib.pyplot.plot method. Returns ------- matplotlib axes instance Returns the axes input argument or creates and returns a new instance of an matplotlib axes object. """ intensity = self.frames[frame_index] if ax is None: ax = plt.axes() ax.plot(intensity, **kwargs) return ax
[docs] def plot_all_particles(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ ax: matplotlib axes instance The axes which you want the particle detections to be plotted on. If none is provided a new instance will be created. **kwargs: Plot settings, any settings which can be used in matplotlib.pyplot.scatter method. Returns ------- matplotlib axes instance Returns the axes input argument or creates and returns a new instance of an matplotlib axes object. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.axes() for frame_index, positions in enumerate(self._particle_positions): for position in positions: ax.plot(position, frame_index, **kwargs) return ax
[docs] def plot_moments(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ ax: matplotlib axes instance The axes which you want the moments to plotted on. If none is provided a new instance will be created. **kwargs: Plot settings, any settings which can be used in matplotlib.pyplot.scatter method. Returns ------- matplotlib axes instance Returns the axes input argument or creates and returns a new instance of an matplotlib axes object. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.axes() zeroth_order_moments = [m for moments in self._zeroth_order_moments for m in moments] second_order_moments = [m for moments in self._second_order_moments for m in moments] ax.scatter(zeroth_order_moments, second_order_moments, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('$m_0$') ax.set_ylabel('$m_2$') return ax
[docs] def change_cost_coefficients(self, a=1, b=1, c=1, d=1): """ Change the coefficients of the cost function :math:`c(p_1,p_2) = a\\cdot (x_{p_1} - x_{p_2})^2 + b \\cdot (m_0(p_1)-m_0(p_2))^2 + b \\cdot (m_2(p_1)-m_2(p_2))^2) + d \\cdot (t_{p_1}-t_{p_2})^2` a: float b: float c: float d: float """ new_cost_coefficients = np.array([a, b, c, d], dtype=np.float32) if np.array_equal(new_cost_coefficients, np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])): raise ValueError('All cost coefficients can\'t be zero') if not np.array_equal(new_cost_coefficients, self._cost_coefficients): self._cost_coefficients = new_cost_coefficients if self._automatic_update: self._update_association_matrix() self._update_trajectories()
def _build_trajectory(self, trajectory): last_position = trajectory[-1] if last_position[0] == len(self._association_matrix) - 1: return trajectory link_matrix = self._association_matrix[last_position[0]][0] link_index = link_matrix[last_position[1] + 1, :].nonzero()[0][0] if link_index > 0: trajectory.append((last_position[0] + 1, link_index - 1)) return self._build_trajectory(trajectory) else: return trajectory def _find_initial_trajectories(self): trajectories = [] particle_has_been_used = [np.zeros(positions.shape, dtype=bool) for positions in self._particle_positions] for frame_index, positions in enumerate(self._particle_positions): for position_index, position in enumerate(positions): if not particle_has_been_used[frame_index][position_index]: trajectory = self._build_trajectory([(frame_index, position_index)]) for p in trajectory: particle_has_been_used[p[0]][p[1]] = True trajectories.append(trajectory) return trajectories def _find_all_associations(self, position): associations = [] for index, link_matrix in enumerate(self._association_matrix[position[0]]): link_index = link_matrix[position[1] + 1, :].nonzero()[0][0] cost = self._cost_matrix[position[0]][index][position[1] + 1, link_index] if link_index > 0: associations.append((position[0] + index + 1, link_index - 1, cost)) return associations def __connect_broken_trajectories(self, trajectories): for index, trajectory in enumerate(trajectories): if trajectory[-1][0] < self.frames.shape[0] - 1: possible_associations = self._find_all_associations(trajectory[-1]) possible_associations.sort(key=lambda x: x[2]) if len(possible_associations) > 0: trajectories[index].append(possible_associations) return trajectories def _initialise_trajectory_links(self): for t, _ in enumerate(self._association_matrix[:-1]): for i, _ in enumerate(self._association_matrix[t][0]): for j, is_associated in enumerate(self._association_matrix[t][0][i]): if is_associated and (i > 0): if t == 0: self._trajectory_links[t][0][i, j] = 1 else: self._trajectory_links[t][0][i, j] = 1 + np.sum(self._trajectory_links[t - 1][0][:, i]) def _is_connected_to_dummy_particle(self, frame_index, particle_index): return self._association_matrix[frame_index][0][particle_index + 1][0] def _find_cheapest_valid_link(self, frame_index, particle_index): t = frame_index i = particle_index + 1 costs = [] for r, link_matrix in enumerate(self._association_matrix[t]): j = link_matrix[i].nonzero()[0][0] costs.append((r, j, self._cost_matrix[t][r][i][j])) costs.sort(key=lambda x: x[2]) for c in costs: if ( t + c[0] + 1 < len(self._trajectory_links) - 1 and (np.sum(self._trajectory_links[t + c[0] + 1][0][c[1]]) == 1) and c[2] < np.inf ): return t, c[0], i, c[1] elif c[2] < np.inf and (t + c[0] + 1 == len(self._trajectory_links) - 1): is_already_linked = False for link_matrices in self._trajectory_links[t:-1]: if link_matrices[-1][:, c[1]].any(): is_already_linked = True if not is_already_linked: return t, c[0], i, c[1] return t, 0, i, 0 def _connect_broken_trajectories(self): for frame_index, positions in enumerate(self._particle_positions[:-1]): for particle_index, _ in enumerate(positions): if self._is_connected_to_dummy_particle(frame_index, particle_index): t, r, i, j = self._find_cheapest_valid_link(frame_index, particle_index) if j > 0: self._trajectory_links[t][r][i][j] = 1 if t + r + 1 < len(self._trajectory_links) - 1: j_prim = self._trajectory_links[t + r + 1][0][j].nonzero()[0][0] self._trajectory_links[t + r + 1][0][j][j_prim] += 1 def _update_trajectories(self): self._initialise_trajectory_links() self._connect_broken_trajectories() self._build_trajectories() def _build_trajectories(self): self._trajectories = [] for t, link_matrices in enumerate(self._trajectory_links[:-1]): for i, links in enumerate(link_matrices[0]): for j, link in enumerate(links): if link == 1: self._trajectories.append( self._build_trajectory_from_particle(t, i) ) def _create_trajectory(self, indices): last_position = indices[-1] if last_position[0] == len(self._trajectory_links) - 1: return indices for r, link_matrix in enumerate(self._trajectory_links[last_position[0]]): j = link_matrix[last_position[1]].nonzero()[0] if j.size > 0 and (j[0] > 0): indices.append((last_position[0] + r + 1, j[0])) return self._create_trajectory(indices) return indices def _build_trajectory_from_particle(self, t, i): index_trajectory = self._create_trajectory([(t, i)]) trajectory = Trajectory() particle_positions = np.empty((len(index_trajectory),), dtype=[('frame_index', np.int16), ('time', np.float32), ('position', np.float32), ('zeroth_order_moment', np.float32), ('second_order_moment', np.float32)]) for index, indices in enumerate(index_trajectory): particle_positions[index]['frame_index'] = indices[0] particle_positions[index]['time'] = self.time[indices[0]] particle_positions[index]['position'] = self._particle_positions[indices[0]][indices[1] - 1] particle_positions[index]['zeroth_order_moment'] = self._zeroth_order_moments[indices[0]][indices[1] - 1] particle_positions[index]['second_order_moment'] = self._second_order_moments[indices[0]][indices[1] - 1] trajectory.particle_positions = particle_positions return trajectory def _create_trajectory_from_particle(self, indexes): for future_frame_index, link_matrix in enumerate(self._association_matrix[indexes[-1][0]]): future_particle_index = np.where(link_matrix[indexes[-1][1] + 1])[0][0] if future_particle_index != 0: indexes.append( np.array([future_frame_index + indexes[-1][0] + 1, future_particle_index - 1], dtype=np.int16)) return self._create_trajectory_from_particle(indexes) return indexes def _update_association_matrix(self): self._calculate_particle_moments() self._initialise_association_and_cost_matrices() self._calculate_cost_matrices() self._create_initial_links_in_association_matrix() self._optimise_association_matrix() def _calculate_particle_moments(self): self._zeroth_order_moments = [None] * self.frames.shape[0] self._second_order_moments = [None] * self.frames.shape[0] for frame_index, positions in enumerate(self._particle_positions): self._zeroth_order_moments[frame_index] = np.array( [self._calculate_zeroth_order_intensity_moment(position, frame_index) for position in positions], dtype=np.float64) self._second_order_moments[frame_index] = np.array( [self._calculate_second_order_intensity_moment(position, frame_index) for position in positions], dtype=np.float64) def _find_particle_positions(self): self._find_initial_particle_positions() self._refine_particle_positions() def _find_initial_particle_positions(self): self._particle_positions = [None] * self.frames.shape[0] for index, frame in enumerate(self.frames): self._particle_positions[index] = self._find_local_maximas_larger_than_threshold(frame) def _refine_particle_positions(self): if self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks == 0: return for frame_index, positions in enumerate(self._particle_positions): for index, position in enumerate(positions): if position == 0 or position + 1 == self._Frames.frames.shape[1]: continue elif position < self.integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks: integration_radius = position elif position > self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks - 1: integration_radius = self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - position else: integration_radius = self.integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks intensity = self.frames[frame_index][ int(position - integration_radius):int(position + integration_radius + 1)] intensity = intensity - np.min(intensity) self._particle_positions[frame_index][index] = position + self._calculate_center_of_mass( intensity) - integration_radius def _calculate_second_order_intensity_moment(self, position, frame_index): position = int(round(position)) if self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks == 0: return 0 elif position == 0: if self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks == 1: return 2 * self.frames[frame_index, 1] / self._calculate_zeroth_order_intensity_moment(position, frame_index) else: second_order_index_array = np.arange(0, self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks + 1) ** 2 return ( 2 *[frame_index, :self.integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks + 1], second_order_index_array) ) / self._calculate_zeroth_order_intensity_moment(position, frame_index) elif position == self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - 1: if self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks == 1: return 2 * self.frames[frame_index, -2] / self._calculate_zeroth_order_intensity_moment(position, frame_index) else: second_order_index_array = np.arange(-self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks, 0) ** 2 return 2 *[frame_index, -self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks - 1:-1], second_order_index_array) / self._calculate_zeroth_order_intensity_moment(position, frame_index) elif position < self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks: w = self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks - position if w == 1: second_order_index_array = np.arange(-position, position + 1) ** 2 return ( ([frame_index, :2 * position + 1], second_order_index_array) + 2 * self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks ** 2 * self.frames[ frame_index, position + self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks] ) / self._calculate_zeroth_order_intensity_moment(position, frame_index) ) else: second_order_index_array = np.arange(-position, position + 1) ** 2 second_order_index_array_big = np.arange(position + 1, position + self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks) ** 2 return (, self.frames[frame_index, :2 * position + 1]) + 2 *, self.frames[frame_index, 2 * position + 1:2 * position + self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks]) ) / self._calculate_zeroth_order_intensity_moment(position, frame_index) elif position > self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - 1 - self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks: w = self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks - (self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - position - 1) if w == 1: second_order_index_array = np.arange(-(self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - 1 - position), self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - position) ** 2 return (, self.frames[frame_index, 2 * position - self._Frames.frames.shape[1] + 1:]) + 2 * self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks ** 2 * self.frames[ frame_index, position - self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks] ) / self._calculate_zeroth_order_intensity_moment(position, frame_index) else: second_order_index_array = np.arange(-(self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - 1 - position), self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - position) ** 2 second_order_index_array_big = np.arange(- self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks, -(self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - position) + 1) ** 2 return (, self.frames[frame_index, -2 * (self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - position) + 1:]) + 2 *, self.frames[frame_index, position - self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks:-2 * ( self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - position) + 1]) ) / self._calculate_zeroth_order_intensity_moment(position, frame_index) else: w = self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks second_order_index_array = np.arange(-w, w + 1) ** 2 return[frame_index, position - w:position + w + 1], second_order_index_array) / self._calculate_zeroth_order_intensity_moment(position, frame_index) def _calculate_zeroth_order_intensity_moment(self, position, frame_index): position = int(round(position)) if self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks == 0: return self.frames[frame_index, position] elif position == 0: if self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks == 1: return self.frames[frame_index, position] + 2 * self.frames[frame_index, position + 1] else: return ( self.frames[frame_index, position] + 2 * np.sum( self.frames[frame_index, position + 1:position + 1 + self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks]) ) elif position == self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - 1: if self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks == 1: return self.frames[frame_index, position] + 2 * self.frames[frame_index, position - 1] else: return ( self.frames[frame_index, position] + 2 * np.sum( self.frames[frame_index, position - self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks:position]) ) elif position < self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks: w = self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks - position if w == 1: return np.sum(self.frames[frame_index, :2 * position + 1]) + 2 * self.frames[ frame_index, position + w + 1] else: return ( np.sum(self.frames[frame_index, :2 * position + 1]) + 2 * np.sum(self.frames[frame_index, 2 * position + 1:2 * position + w + 1]) ) elif position > self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - 1 - self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks: w = self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks - (self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - position - 1) if w == 1: return ( np.sum(self.frames[frame_index, -2 * (self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - position) + 1:]) + 2 * self.frames[frame_index, -2 * (self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - position)] ) else: return ( np.sum(self.frames[frame_index, -2 * (self._Frames.frames.shape[1] - position) + 1:]) + 2 * np.sum( self.frames[frame_index, position - self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks:position - 1]) ) else: w = self._integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks return np.sum(self.frames[frame_index, position - w:position + w + 1]) def _initialise_association_and_cost_matrices(self): r = self.maximum_number_of_frames_a_particle_can_disappear_and_still_be_linked_to_other_particles number_of_frames = self._Frames.frames.shape[0] self._association_matrix = [[] for _ in range(number_of_frames)] self._cost_matrix = [[] for _ in range(number_of_frames)] self._trajectory_links = [[] for _ in range(number_of_frames)] for frame_index in range(0, number_of_frames): for future_frame_index in range(frame_index + 1, frame_index + r + 2): if future_frame_index < number_of_frames: self._association_matrix[frame_index].append( np.zeros( (len(self._particle_positions[frame_index]) + 1, len(self._particle_positions[future_frame_index]) + 1), dtype=bool) ) self._cost_matrix[frame_index].append( np.zeros( (len(self._particle_positions[frame_index]) + 1, len(self._particle_positions[future_frame_index]) + 1), dtype=np.float32) ) self._trajectory_links[frame_index].append( np.zeros( (len(self._particle_positions[frame_index]) + 1, len(self._particle_positions[future_frame_index]) + 1), dtype=np.int32) ) def _create_initial_links_in_association_matrix(self): for t, _ in enumerate(self._cost_matrix): for r, _ in enumerate(self._cost_matrix[t]): used_js = [] for i, _ in enumerate(self._cost_matrix[t][r]): js = np.argsort(self._cost_matrix[t][r][i]) for j in js: if j not in used_js and (self._cost_matrix[t][r][i][j] != np.inf): used_js.append(j) self._association_matrix[t][r][i][j] = 1 break for i, row in enumerate(self._association_matrix[t][r]): if not row.any(): self._association_matrix[t][r][i][0] = True for i, row in enumerate(self._association_matrix[t][r].T): if not row.any(): self._association_matrix[t][r][0, i] = True def _calculate_cost_matrices(self): for frame_index, _ in enumerate(self._cost_matrix): for future_frame_index, _ in enumerate(self._cost_matrix[frame_index]): for particle_index, _ in enumerate(self._cost_matrix[frame_index][future_frame_index]): for future_particle_index, _ in enumerate( self._cost_matrix[frame_index][future_frame_index][particle_index]): if particle_index == 0 and future_particle_index == 0: self._cost_matrix[frame_index][future_frame_index][particle_index][ future_particle_index] = 0 elif particle_index == 0 or future_particle_index == 0: self._cost_matrix[frame_index][future_frame_index][particle_index][ future_particle_index] = self._calculate_cost_for_association_with_dummy_particle( frame_index, frame_index + future_frame_index + 1) else: self._cost_matrix[frame_index][future_frame_index][particle_index][ future_particle_index] = self._calculate_linking_cost( frame_index, particle_index - 1, frame_index + future_frame_index + 1, future_particle_index - 1 ) def _calculate_linking_cost(self, frame_index, particle_index, future_frame_index, future_particle_index): cost = ( self._cost_coefficients[0] * ( self.particle_positions[frame_index][particle_index] - self.particle_positions[future_frame_index][ future_particle_index]) ** 2 + self._cost_coefficients[1] * ( self._zeroth_order_moments[frame_index][particle_index] - self._zeroth_order_moments[future_frame_index][future_particle_index]) ** 2 + self._cost_coefficients[2] * (self._second_order_moments[frame_index][particle_index] - self._second_order_moments[future_frame_index][ future_particle_index]) ** 2 + self._cost_coefficients[3] * (future_frame_index - frame_index)**2 ) if cost > self._calculate_cost_for_association_with_dummy_particle(frame_index, future_frame_index): return np.inf return cost def _calculate_cost_for_association_with_dummy_particle(self, frame_index, future_frame_index): return self._cost_coefficients[0] * (self.maximum_distance_a_particle_can_travel_between_frames * (future_frame_index - frame_index)) ** 2 def _optimise_link_matrix(self, links, costs): lowest_cost = 1 i_lowest = 0 j_lowest = 0 k_lowest = 0 l_lowest = 0 test_cost = 1 for i in range(links.shape[0]): for j in range(links.shape[1]): if (links[i, j] == 0) and (costs[i, j] != np.inf): k = links[:, j].nonzero()[0][0] l = links[i, :].nonzero()[0][0] if ( (i > 0) and (j > 0) and (costs[i, l] != np.inf) and (costs[k, j] != np.inf) and (costs[k, l] != np.inf) ): test_cost = costs[i, j] - costs[i, l] - costs[k, j] + costs[k, l] elif ( (j > 0) and (k > 0) and (l == 0) and (costs[k, j] != np.inf) ): test_cost = costs[0, j] - costs[k, j] + costs[k, 0] elif ( (i > 0) and (l > 0) and (k == 0) and (costs[i, l] != np.inf) ): test_cost = costs[i, 0] - costs[i, l] + costs[0, l] if test_cost < lowest_cost: lowest_cost = test_cost i_lowest = i j_lowest = j k_lowest = k l_lowest = l if lowest_cost < 0: links[i_lowest, j_lowest] = 1 links[k_lowest, l_lowest] = 1 if i_lowest > 0: links[i_lowest, l_lowest] = 0 if j_lowest > 0: links[k_lowest, j_lowest] = 0 return self._optimise_link_matrix(links, costs) return links def _optimise_association_matrix(self): for frame_index in range(len(self._association_matrix)): for future_frame_index in range(len(self._association_matrix[frame_index])): self._association_matrix[frame_index][future_frame_index] = self._optimise_link_matrix( self._association_matrix[frame_index][future_frame_index], self._cost_matrix[frame_index][future_frame_index] ) def _find_local_maximas_larger_than_threshold(self, y): local_maximas, _ = find_peaks(y, height=self.particle_detection_threshold, distance=2 * self.integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks) return local_maximas.astype(np.float32) @staticmethod def _calculate_center_of_mass(y): x = np.arange(0, y.shape[0]) return np.sum(x * y) / np.sum(y)
[docs] @staticmethod def normalise_intensity(frames): """ frames: np.array Normalises the intensity of the frames according to :math:`I_n = (I-I_{min})/(I_{max}-I_{min})`, where :math:`I` is the intensity of the frames, :math:`I_{min}`, :math:`I_{max}` are the global intensity minima and maxima of the frames. Returns ------- np.array The normalised intensity. """ frames = frames - np.amin(frames) return frames / np.amax(frames)
@staticmethod def _find_index_of_nearest(array, value): return (np.abs(np.array(array) - value)).argmin() @staticmethod def _validate_class_arguments(frames, time, automatic_update): ParticleTracker._test_if_frames_have_correct_format(frames) ParticleTracker._test_if_time_has_correct_format(time) ParticleTracker._test_if_time_and_frames_has_same_length(time, frames) ParticleTracker._test_if_automatic_update_has_correct_format(automatic_update) @staticmethod def _test_if_frames_have_correct_format(frames): if type(frames) is not np.ndarray: raise TypeError('Class argument frames not of type np.ndarray') if not (len(frames.shape) == 2 and frames.shape[0] > 1 and frames.shape[1] > 2): raise ValueError( 'Class argument frames need to be of shape (nFrames,nPixels) with nFrames > 1 and nPixels >2') return True @staticmethod def _test_if_time_has_correct_format(time): if type(time) is not np.ndarray: raise TypeError('Class argument frames not of type np.ndarray') if not (len(time.shape) == 1 and time.shape[0] > 1): raise ValueError('Class argument time need to be of shape (nFrames,) with nFrames > 1.') if not all(np.diff(time) > 0): raise ValueError('Class argument time not increasing monotonically.') return True @staticmethod def _test_if_time_and_frames_has_same_length(time, frames): if not time.shape[0] == frames.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Class arguments time and frames does not of equal length.') return True @staticmethod def _test_if_automatic_update_has_correct_format(automatic_update): if not type(automatic_update) == bool: raise ValueError('Class argument automatic_update must be True or False.') return True