Quick start

Particle tracking

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from particle_tracker_one_d import ParticleTracker

# Import the frames and the time data
frames = np.load('examples/frames.npy')
time = np.load('examples/time.npy')

# Normalise the intensity
frames_normalised = ParticleTracker.normalise_intensity(frames)

# Create a particle tracker instance
pt = ParticleTracker(frames=frames_normalised, time=time)

# Set the properies of the particle tracker
pt.boxcar_width = 10
pt.integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks = 10
pt.particle_detection_threshold = 0.6
pt.maximum_number_of_frames_a_particle_can_disappear_and_still_be_linked_to_other_particles = 5
pt.maximum_distance_a_particle_can_travel_between_frames = 40

# Create a figure

# Plot the kymograph
pt.plot_all_frames(ax=ax, aspect='auto')

# Plot all the trajectories
for t in pt.trajectories:
    t.plot_trajectory(x='position',y='frame_index',ax=ax, marker='o')

Trajectory analysis

# Select one of the trajectories
trajectory = pt.trajectories[0]

# Set the pixel width
trajectory.pixel_width = 5e-4

# Create a figure

# Plot the velocity auto correlation function to make sure particle steps are uncorrelated

# Calculate the diffusion coefficient using a covariance based estimator

Shortest path finder

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from particle_tracker_one_d import ShortestPathFinder

# Import the frames and the time data
frames = np.load('examples/frames.npy')
time = np.load('examples/time.npy')

# Normalise the intensity
frames_normalised = ParticleTracker.normalise_intensity(frames)

# Create a shortest path finder instance
spf = ShortestPathFinder(frames=frames_normalised, time=time)

# Set the properies of the path finder
spf.boxcar_width = 5
spf.integration_radius_of_intensity_peaks = 20

# Set start point
spf.start_point = (0,90)

# Set end point
spf.end_point = (232,2)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,15))
ax = plt.axes()

# Plot the frames and the trajectory
spf.plot_all_frames(ax=ax, aspect='auto')
spf.trajectory.plot_trajectory(x='position', y='frame_index',ax=ax, marker='o')

ax.set_ylim([232, 90])